Official data from NASA, NOAA, the ESA, and similarly reputable organizations.
Official Data on Earth’s Magnetic Field
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Next Official World Model Update: 2020
Fast Facts
1) The south pole has already left antarctica and the north pole is racing across the arctic ocean.
2) “Earth’s magnetic poles are getting ready to flip.” -Mission Manager, SWARM/ESA
3) The magnetic field began weakening in 1600.
4) The magnetic field weakened 10% from the 1800s to 2000.
5) Earth’s magnetic field was weakening 5% per century, but now is weakening 5% per decade.
6) The magnetic field is continuing to weaken rapidly.
7) Magnetic reversals can occur in less than 100 years.
8) Magnetic reversals lead to extinction events. This was recently confirmed by the #1 geophysics journal.
Other Resources
2003 BBC Magnetism Article:
2004 NatGeo Magnetism Article: http://news.
2006 NatGeo Magnetism Article: http://news.
2008 NASA Magnetic Breach:
2011 ESA Magnetism Article: Click Here
Magnetic Field Animation:
2003 NASA Pole Shift Article:
2008 Kyoto Pole Shift Animation:
2010 Kyoto Pole Shift Visual:
2011 Discovery Pole Shift Article:
Magnetic Field Links:
Oxygen Disaster at Reversal:
Why do we only get updates every 5 years? the magnetic poles move a great deal each day and each year, but it makes a large circle, and only by tracking those circles over year can an update be provided. Every 6 months the poles meander a great deal, but it is deceiving because it goes the other way the next 6 months.
Latest News:
June 4, 2019: World’s #1 geophysics journal confirms extinction events tied to magnetic excursions. Short report: click here.
February 4, 2019: World magnetic model forced to be updated prematurely due to exceeding error range. The acceleration of the shift has continued, NOT slowed down as was predicted by NOAA in their 2015 release.
May 25, 2018: Earth’s F4 ionospheric layer has been detected for the first time! As the intrinsic field of earth weakens, the induced field from the sun will expand! This is a key sign!
*March 2018 Update*
Daily updates on the earth’s weather & seismic reaction to the sun – the ONLY short-term way to monitor earth’s magnetosphere – only at Suspicious0bservers.
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